Benefits of Asphalt Recycling


Did you know each year roughly 100 million tons of asphalt pavement material is reclaimed?

Of that 100 million tons, about 95-percent is reused in roads and highways, saving taxpayers money by reducing the cost of roads.

Environmental Benefits:

Recycling saves on construction material waste since the recycled material is not sent to a landfill.

Recycling the mineral particles that are produced during the process of asphalt pavement helps conserve natural resources. Reduces need for opening gravel pits to get aggregates from the earth.

Recycling old asphalt reduces the amount of new oil needed in the construction process and may reduce dependence on foreign oil.

Recycling reduces the trucking/transportation footprint as the aggregate for asphalt is being produced on site rather than hauling from gravel pits at longer haul distances

Economic Benefits:

Taxpayers save money with asphalt recycling.

Asphalt can be recycled multiple times, ensuring its value.

Contractors save by reducing energy, materials, and transportation costs.

Asphalt Benefits:

The quality of asphalt pavement is improved when recycled pavement is used. There is a stronger cracking resistance because of the added mineral fillers and organic fibers used in the recycled materials. Other benefits include:

Reduced demand for new asphalt pavement.

Reduced demand on aggregate.

Improved asphalt stiffness.

Decreased likelihood for cracking.

Decreased susceptibility to rutting.

Decreased need for new asphalt.


Asphalt Recycling Process



The asphalt recycling process begins with milling. Asphalt milling is a recycling and re-paving procedure, aimed at removing asphalt from a Highway, street, parking lot or driveway.

Once the asphalt is milled, it is hauled to an asphalt or recycle plant where it is screened and sized in preparation to be used again in making new pavement. The quality of renewed asphalt is often better than pavement made from brand new materials.


Asphalt can be recycled and reused multiple times giving the material a very long lifespan.


The versatility of RAP also makes it the ideal dust free construction material for roads, parking lots, driveways, runways, railbeds, storage areas, dikes, erosion control, shore protection structures, or in reclamation as inert backfill material.


In-House Recycling


With our own KMA clean recycling plant,  we can recycle and reuse materials from our projects.

This gives us direct control over materials and removes the middleman, allowing us to offer our customers the most competitive pricing on asphalt materials.

At LeDuc Developments,

we care about recycling because we care about the environment.